Thursday, September 11

Who's there...?

On the days when I visit the hive but cannot interrupt them by looking inside, I sit and watch, soaking in as many minute details as I can.  The way the bees are entering and departing, the different moves each bee makes as it walks around on the entrance board, what other bugs have nestled into the crooks of the hive, etc.
Well, last week as I was sitting next to the hive I noticed something interesting, unrelated to the bees themselves.  Along the bottom of the hive body and stand, there were fur marks imprinted into the mud which has splashed up the side of my hive.  Something has been rubbing itself up against the edge of that hive!  Raccoons and skunks are the most likely mammals to prey on beehives in this area (though bears would also be interested, if they were around) but I not entirely sure that it wasn't a neighbor-cat.  It'd have to be pretty tall and have pretty coarse fur, though... hmm... who's there?

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